On Nov. 30, 2016, Rep. Katherine M. Clark (D-Mass.) announced that her maternal mental health legislation, the Bringing Postpartum Depression Out of the Shadows Act, passed in the House of Representatives. On the following Wednesday, it passed in the Senate. The bill authorizes the Secretary of Health and Human Services to provide federal grants to states for the purpose of screening, assessing and treating PPD. The grants would allow states to create, improve or maintain programs around maternal mental health and help women who are pregnant or recently gave birth. "For too long, stigma and outdated attitudes about mental health have kept moms from getting the help they need," said Clark. "It’s past time that we turn the corner from stigma to the sound medical science that tells us postpartum depressions is common, it’s diagnosable, and that treatment benefits the entire family. This is a victory for families, and we’re looking forward to strengthening this program in years to come." Read more HERE!
Dr. Accortt in the NewsAugust 2023: KPCC Radio AirTalk with Larry Mantle, FDA Approves Pill Designed To Work Faster For Postpartum Depression
August 2023: KABC TV: Postpartum depression drug aimed at prioritizing maternal health, especially in communities of color February 2023: Glamour Magazine: Postpartum Anxiety Is More Common Than You Think—Here’s What You Need to Know December 2022: Cedars-Sinai Newsroom: Immune System Irregularities Found in Women With Postpartum Mood & Anxiety Disorders October 2022: Verywell Family, Researchers Find Possible Predictor of Postpartum Depression June 2022: ABC News, Postpartum Depression Screening, Changes to Nurse Training. August 2021: AirTalk KPCC Radio, The History of C-Sections, The Significance We Put on "Birth Stories" And How It Impacts Mental health (fast forward to 13 minute mark) July 2021: AirTalk KPCC Radio, Why Women Have Long Kept Early Parts of Pregnancy a Secret and the Arguments For Moving Away From the 12-week rule (fast forward to 28 minute mark) July 2021: Los Angeles Times, Postpartum depression on the rise, especially for women of color, during COVID-19 pandemic October 2020: The Candidly, PMDD Affects Millions Of Women. So Why Aren’t We Talking About It? October 2020: Cedars-Sinai Discoveries Magazine, A Real-Life Stress Test September 2020: Cedars-Sinai Blog, Infertility and Mental Health July 2020: Cedars-Sinai Newsroom, Reproductive Psychology Program Focuses on Mother and Family Wellness May 2020: Hawaii News Now, Sunrise, How to Prevent Anxiety & Depression Before and After Giving Birth April 2020: The Bump, How to Spot Postpartum Depression in Your Partner or Friend 12/3/19: Quartz, Ten questions about mothers’ mental health could promote resilient pregnancies 5/10/19: CGTN America, US comedian uses her act to turn the spotlight on postpartum depression 5/1/19: KTLA News, How One Comedian’s Battle With Postpartum Depression Turned Laughs Into Legislation 3/20/19: KFI News Radio, FDA Approves First Drug for PPD, Brexanolone (Zulresso) Winter 2019: Cedars-Sinai Discoveries Magazine, Stop The Stigma 9/11/18: USC Center for Health Journalism, Cedars-Sinai PPD Screening Program May be Model for State Summer 2018: Cedars-Sinai Catalyst Magazine, The Helping Hand of Los Angeles Funds Postpartum Depression Screening Program, scroll down to page 40 of magazine 5/18/18: TODAY.com, Alyssa Milano on Postpartum Anxiety 5/3/18: Cedars-Sinai Maternal Mental Health Research 10/19/17: Cedars-Sinai Postpartum Depression Screening Program 3/24/17: MomCo. App for Social Support Blog Archives
May 2022
AuthorDr. Accortt is a California licensed clinical psychologist. When she isn't seeing patients in private practice she conducts research in the OBGYN department at Cedars-Sinai. She will update this page with important maternal mental health news and research. |